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Nachrichten - Jinesh

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Windows 7 Forum / Can I stay in Windows 7 and never upgrade?
« am: 20. Juli 2020, 20:03:45 »
So as we all know Windows 7 users don't get any more updates now. I really don't know what to do now, my Win 7 PC working just fine and I want to keep it running, but is it really that dangerous to do so? It all keeps saying "now you won't get any more updates, you are now more vulnerable to threats to your PC, even if you got all kinds of anti-virus program installed."

I guess I'm ready to install Win 10, and I think I know how to do so but still worried all will be messed up and my PC just won't work anymore.

So to you who still running Win 7, can you hold on to it and is it really that much of a security risk to not install Win 10?

I have Win 7 Home 64 bit, Chrome and Norton Internet Security

Thanks in advance...

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