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PC Software / Ein Media Problem Salat
« am: 12. November 2009, 05:11:09 »
Hello dear member at Microsoft,
as to be seen hereunder, my Musicload provider is not able to solve my Windows-7 media problem.
Since I installed Windows-7 on my primary harddisk partition, I am not able to directly use musicdownload or
moviedownload (stream view) with the installed Windows Media Player of newest version.
The license handling does not work at Windows-7 and therefore no movie is enabled.
Windows-7 is quick and enables a better pixel solution with my notebook graphic hardware (1440x900 is only
enabled with Windows-7 , not with Vista, I do not know why but its better now).
But the Media Player solution at Windows-7 is not as useful as it is with XP- or Vista.
Will there come an update with a better enabling mediaplayer solution or is this a problem that cannot be solved
as my quite comfortable and not too old notebook is Toshiba Satellite P300-1A0 , PSPC4E, and just only this
 notebook does not work correct with Windows-7 at the Windows Media Player usage ?
It would be nice if I could get an answer to my question /my problem, thanks.
kind regards
-----As to be seen, Telekom is not able or not willing to solve this problem ----
DRM-Probleme unter Windows 7

Wenn Sie eine Windows Media DRM-geschützte Datei
auf einem Computer mit Windows 7nicht wiedergeben können, finden Sie
dazu Hilfe bei Microsoft unter
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/976590 [3]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr Musicload Team
Deutsche Telekom AG
-----Anmerkung: die genannte Adresse funktioniert nicht ! ---- :grübel ?(

Seiten: [1]