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Zum Thema Game-Patches - ArmA (Armed Assault) II Patch 1.01Changelog:Patch 1.01 für die deutsche Version von ArmA II (Armed Assault II)Dies ist ein Patch für die deutsche Release-Versio... im Bereich PC-Games Forum
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Re: Game-Patches
« Antwort #15 am: 05. Juni 2009, 12:59:51 »
ArmA (Armed Assault) II Patch 1.01


Patch 1.01 für die deutsche Version von ArmA II (Armed Assault II)

Dies ist ein Patch für die deutsche Release-Version 1.00 oder Beta-Version 1.01.

HINWEIS: Bitte verwenden Sie keine Speicherstände in diesem Patch, die in der Version 1.00 erstellt wurden. Verwenden Sie die Funktion "Neustart", um die Missionen erneut zu spielen.

Liste der Änderungen:

* Gefixt: KI reagiert manchmal nicht
* Gefixt: KI hat in bestimmten Situationen Schwierigkeiten mit der Wegfindung
* Verbesserungen der KI: Vermeidung von Kollisionen, Micro KI-Kommunikation, Suppress-Fields
* Verbessert: Koordination der KI im Kampf
* Verbessert: Automatisches Vectoring der Senkrechtstarter (VTOL).
* Verbesserte Kurzstart- und Kurzlandesteuerung (STOL)
* Verbesserte Schuss-Simulation
* Verbesserte Performance in einigen Bereichen
* Verbesserte Verletzungs-Simulation, Erste Hilfe und beim Teamwechsel
* Ermöglichung des Rollens bei der MV-22
* Gefixt: Waffen innerhalb von Fahrzeugen wurden manchmal weiß dargestellt.
* Gefixt: Einige Crash-Szenarien
* Gefixt: Manchmal flackernde Texturen
* Gefixt: Mündungsfeuer und andere Alpha-Elemente, die durch die Wasseroberfläche schneiden.
* Gefixt: Längere Szenenabläufe riefen Probleme bei LODs und Texturen hervor.
* Gefixt: Terrain-LOD erzeugt weiße Flecken

* Verbesserungen in der Qualität des Funkverkehrs
* Standardisierte Meldungen über bekannte Ziele wurden verbessert

* Unterstützung von bis zu 4 Spielern im Kooperativmodus
* Musik zu weiteren Stellen der Hauptkampagne hinzugefügt
* Verschiedene Verbesserungen in Missionen und animierten Szenen
* Verbesserter Star Force-Transportdienst (Spieler kann diesen besser steuern, gelegentliches Problem bzgl. eingefrorenem Star Force gefixt)
* Benachrichtigungsfunktion für jeden gefundenen Hinweis hinzugefügt
* Einige fehlende Audiodateien hinzugefügt

* Rendering von Wasseroberflächen verbessert
* Verschiedene kleinere Fixes und Verbesserungen

* Effekt für Spielerfigur in der Nähe größerer Explosionen hinzugefügt (Klingeln im Ohr, vorübergehende Taubheit)

* Verbesserte GPS-Unterstützung (Strg rechts + Maus, wenn GPS verfügbar ist)
* Aufgaben ohne die Kartenansicht (Voreinstellung: Taste J)
* Liste der Spieler ohne die Kartenansicht (Voreinstellung: Taste P)
* Verbessertes Rendering der peripheren Sichtfeld-Simulation (Flecken am Bildschirmrand stellen die Begrenzung des natürlichen Sichtbereichs dar)
* Dauernde Darstellung des Anführer-Symbols  auf dem Bildschirm auch im normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad
* Ausblendende Aufgabenfenster, um den Blick in der Mitte des Bildschirms freizugeben

* Frachtabteile in Flugzeugen gefixt (Die Fracht hatte mit dem Piloten Plätze getauscht)
* Kameraposition für BTR- und T90-Zielvorrichtungen gefixt
* LODs der Schützensichthilfe für Besatzungen in Räderfahrzeugen gefixt
* Verbesserte Handanimation bei Luftabwehr-Raketenwerfern
* Eingedrehte Arme bei Luftabwehr-Raketenwerfern
* Feuer-Geometrie bei Anschlagtafel-Modellen gefixt
* Geänderte Motorengeräusche von Traktoren und Autobussen
* Hotelschild hinzugefügt
* Ruine des Verwaltungsgebäudes gefixt
* Texturen bei G36 und Symbol des MG36 gefixt
* Animation des Schützen am BRDM-ATGM gefixt
* Verbessertes Modell des AK-107
* Verbesserte Map für Reflexionen in der Umgebung
* Verbesserter Cursor des  A1
* Texturensymbol des T34 verbessert, Optik und Turmstabilisator gefixt und Abgaswolke hinzugefügt
* PostFX bei Optiken für alle Tracked2-Modelle hinzugefügt
* Warfare-Zeichen gefixt
* AAV-Geometrie (Masse) gefixt
* Projektionsmaterial der ersten Einsatzbesprechung verbessert
* Verbessertes Holosign des M4 Eigenschattens
* Zerstörungssimulation bei Wracks und Dämmen auf der Karte verbessert

Download: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/Downloads/Download/52223/ArmA_II/Patch_101.html

Far Cry 2  Patch 1.03


This patch will include a lot of improvements for both single player and multiplayer mode; with better browsing features, more multiplayer game options, and other new additions in order to let you play the game, the way you want.

Extra feature
- Add a "hardcore mode" that will provide a new damage model where all weapons do much more damage to increase realism.

Single Player
- Fix some random crash occurring during specific Malaria attacks
- Fix health damage not following the difficulty level when switching difficulty during player's walkthrough
- Fix some camera issue when using a mortar near a rock

- Add the possibility to play Rank matches on a selection of user maps
- Add deaths in scoreboard
- Balance current damage model
- Show VIP on Scoreboard (for your team only)
- Players can stay on the same host for consecutive matches in Ranked match
- Add a Quick match button when selecting a map in the Map community
- Fix vehicles spawning on their initial position immediately after being destroyed by an explosion
- Fix client being disconnected from the host randomly and not being able to see it after that
- Fix death message does not appear randomly
- Fix some issues when interacting with objects
- Fix bandolier doesnt always unlock extra ammo
- Fix some bug when healing another player and getting wounded at the same time
- Fix diamond gain in rank mode
- Fix players dont get a request to keep a map after playing on a IGE map
- DLC Fix some issues when using the crossbow

Dedicated server
- Add remote control
- Remove "shaky" interface
- Reduce approximately 80% of CPU usage
- Reduce approximately 50% of memory usage

Many of the new features were requested by members of the community and we would like to thanks everyone for taking the time to communicate with us, we hope you will enjoy the improvements.

Download: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/Downloads/Download/52218/Far_Cry_2/Patch_103.html
meinpc - go-windows.dego-windows.de


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« Antwort #16 am: 20. Juni 2009, 11:19:06 »
ArmA (Armed Assault) II Patch 1.02

Maruk gab in den BI-Foren einen ersten Changelog für den Patch 1.02 bekannt. Der Patch soll 125MB wiegen und einige Probleme hinsichtlich Stabilität und AI-Verhalten beheben bzw. ändern! Auch wird Kegetys NoBlur Addon überflüssig, da BIS eine Option hinzufügen wird mit der die Blur- und Bloomeffekte deaktiviert werden können.


Version 1.02 Highlights

* Improved AI driving skills
* Lowered enemy AI skills for regular and recruit difficulty levels
* Improved Micro AI tactics, attack in pairs, path limiting to avoid passing through walls.
* Fixed multiplayer session NAT negotiation
* Improved game stability (various crash opportunities fixed)
* Multiple save slots supported
* Improved terrain shape beyond map borders
* Various campaign and localization fixes and improvements
* Modules (F7) support added in the Mission Editor
* Added option to disable various post-process effects (bloom, blur etc.)


- Run the patch setup executable, the patch is then applied automatically.
- It will install the entire contents of the patch to a folder within your ArmA 2 installation (default is C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 or Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2).
- Please note that it is NOT possible to rollback to a previous version after the installation of this patch, only a full reinstall of the game is possible.
- It is not recommended to use any savegames created in versions 1.00 or 1.01.

Download: http://www.arma2.com/support/updates/

GTA IV Patch



    * Einstellungen des Ressourcenmanagements sind abhängig vom jeweiligen Betriebssystem.


Rockstar Games hat heute ein neues Update für GTA IV (PC-Version) zum Download freigegeben. Es soll nur ein kleines Wartungsupdate sein und sorgt dafür, dass man im Multiplayer die aktuellsten Mods und Scripts nicht anwenden kann. Wer weiterhin online spielen will, muss Grand Theft Auto IV in den Originalzustand bringen.


« Letzte Änderung: 20. Juni 2009, 11:23:12 von stoneagem »

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« Antwort #17 am: 27. Juni 2009, 14:42:21 »
ArmA (Armed Assault) II Patch 1.02 (update)

Überarbeiteter Patch 1.02 (58134) für ArmA II (Armed Assault II)

- Jede installierte Version von ArmA II (1.00 oder 1.01)
- Die DirectX9-Version vom März 2009 wird benötigt. Diese wird im Verlauf des Patch-Prozesses aktualisiert.


- Führen Sie die Datei mit der Endung ARMA2Patch_1_02.exe durch einen Doppelklick aus, um den Patchvorgang automatisch zu starten.
- Dies wird den Inhalt des Patch in Ihr ArmA 2-Verzeichnis installieren (In der Voreinstellung ist dies C:\Programme\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2).
- Bitte beachten Sie, dass es nach dem Patch nicht mehr möglich ist, den Zustand vor der Patch-Installation wieder herzustellen. In diesem Fall müssen Sie das Spiel völlig neu installieren.
- Es wird ausdrücklich davon abgeraten, Speicherungen und Spielstände der Versionen 1.00 oder 1.01 zu verwenden.

Few notes:
* Our main reason to release an updated 1.02 version is newly implemented full support for anti-aliasing in this build that we believe increases visual quality significantly without any major performance impact
* This patch is compatible with all previously released versions (1.00, 1.01 and 1.02)
* All versions 1.02 remain compatible in multiplayer and also savegames from various versions 1.02 are compatible so the transition process to this updated version 1.02, build 58134 should be as seamless as possible for all users


Change log for build 58134 from the previous patch 1.02:
* Fixed localVRAM detection on Vista x64 systems with 8 GB RAM and more
* Enabled MSAA in Video options
* Fixed possible crash in Radio target reporting for NULL target
* Fixed DOF always enabled on game start.
* Added safeguard againg frequent reset into RequestFlushMemory as well.
* Improved Cannot create surface Rpt messages.
* Relaxed reset recovery conditions to that "profylactic" reset happens less often.
* HC command - enabled page selection
* Commandline parameter -netlog available in retail version again
* Editor fix: modules info serialization
* Fix: weapon fire effects in MP

Download: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/Downloads/Download/52453/ArmA_II/Patch_102_(update).html

Command & Conquer: Alarmstufe Rot 3 Patch 1.11

Patch für die deutsche Fassung von Command & Conquer: Alarmstufe Rot 3 auf Version 1.11

This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, adds two free maps from Red Alert 3: Uprising, and more.



" Added two new maps for skirmish and online play: Spring Fever (2 player) and Blitzens Back (4 player). Play these maps and many more in the stand-alone campaign expansion, Red Alert 3 Uprising, available for download at http://www.commandandconquer.com.

Balance Changes: Global

[spoiler]" Garrison Range bonus reduced to 75% from 100%.

" Walls and Structures no longer block line of sight while being constructed.

" Parachute drop time increased.

" Oil Derricks now explode when destroyed. Keep your distance.

" Observation Post health increased to 10000 from 3000.

" Due to the recent downturn in the global economy, all Super Weapons are now half price.

" Anti-Infantry vehicles (Riptide, Jet Tengu) vulnerability to GUN damage (PeaceKeeper, Conscript, Imperial Warrior) now reduced to 25% from 50%.

" The Top Secret Protocols have been reordered for all three factions.

Balance Changes: By Faction

" Allied Javelin Soldier cost reduced to 300 from 400.

" Allied Aircraft Carrier drone speed increased to 225 from 150.

" Allied Aircraft Carrier drones no longer give large amounts of XP when killed.

" Allied Aircraft Carrier reload time reduced to 10s from 15s.

" Allied Assault Destroyer Black Hole Armor bonus increased to 35% from 25%.

" Allied Outpost now gains additional health when upgraded (25% per level).

" Allied Athena Cannon no longer requires line of sight to attack. It can fire over walls now!

" Allied Cryocopter health reduced to 650 from 750.

" Allied Chronorift cast delay reduced to 1s. Rift time changed to 5s , 10s, and 15s, depending.

" Allied Defense Bureau build time increased to 30s from 10s.

" Special Agent Tanya Adams now requires the Defense Bureau to be built.

" Allied Apollo Fighter heath increased to 300 from 250.

" Allied Chronosphere now requires the Defense Bureau to be built.

" Soviet Hammer Tanks can no longer leech while moving.

" Soviet Apocalypse Tank grinder damage halved.

" Soviet Flak Trooper Cost increased to 400 from 300.

" Soviet structures will no longer refund 100% of their cost if canceled after taking damage. Refund value reduction is equivalent to the damage taken by the building.

" Soviet Super Power Plant energy production reduced to 350 from 500.

" Soviet Super Power Plant will no longer explode if it is destroyed before it has completed building.

" Soviet Stingray health increased to 450 from 360.

" Soviet Dreadnaught Missiles now scatter against units.

" Soviet MiG Fighter health increased to 240 from 200.

" Soviet Iron Curtain now requires the Battle Lab to be built.

" Japan MCV build radius increased to facilitate wall building.

" Japan Jet Tengu now much less deadly against each other in air form.

" Japan Tsunami Tank now auto-heals while its secondary ability is active.

" Japan Honorable Discharge power no longer deals any friendly fire.

" Japan King Oni health increased to 3000 from 2250.

" Japan Emperors Rage powers now limit the speed debuff to 75% for all levels.

" Japan Wave Force Artillery no longer requires line of sight for attacking. It can shoot through walls, buildings, and anything else dumb enough to get in front of it.

" Japan Naginata Cruiser Spread-Torpedo damage halved.

" Japan Naginata Cruiser health reduced to 1200 from 1400.

" Japan Shogun Battleship speed reduced to 50 from 75.

" Japan Shogun Battleship cannons now properly scatter against other units.

" Japan Shogun Battleship rate of fire now reduced by 40%.

" Japan Point Defense Drones now have an expiration time of 2 minutes.

" Japan Final Squadron Power damage reduced in accordance with the new power tree design.

Balance Changes: Vision

" Vision changes were incorporated from Red Alert 3: Uprising in order to improve unit behavior.

" Allied Multigunner Turret Vision Range increased to 310 from 300.

" Allied Prism Tower Vision Range increased to 360 from 350.

" Allied Hydrofoil vision range increased to 325 from 300.

" Allied Javelin Soldier vision range increased to 200 from 175.

" Allied Guardian Tank vision range in Target Painter mode increased.

" Special Agent Tanya Adams shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400.

" Soviet Apocalypse Tank vision range in Harpoon mode increased.

" Soviet Hammer Tank vision range in Leech mode increased.

" Soviet Terror Drone vision range in Stasis Ray mode increased.

" Soviet Base Defenses vision ranges increased slightly.

" Soviet Bullfrog vision range increased to 325 from 300.

" Soviet commando vision range increased to 175 from 150.

" Japan Seawing vision range increased to 225 from 200.

" Japan Tengu vision range increased to 225 from 200.

" Japan Commando vision range increased to 175 from 150.

" Japan Commando shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400.

User Interface Enhancements

" Players who choose random in online play will now have their faction hidden on the "escape" screen during the match.

" The wait time to kick an online player with a bad connection has been reduced to 30 seconds (from 60).

" Players who are not on your friends list can no longer whisper you while youre in a match.

" Rally points can be reset on airfields by right clicking on theairfield while it is selected.

" PC Users can now customize right click scroll speed by adding the following command line argument: -dragTolerance # [where # = distance in pixels, typically a number from 1  50].

" Interface lag (irresponsiveness between clicks and keyboard commands) has been reduced.

Bug Fixes

" EVA announcements will no longer play when a disguised spy enters your base.

" Made several improvements to the way garrisoned buildings and captured structures are reported through shroud (in game and on the radar).

" Integrated several AI improvements from Red Alert 3 Uprising.

" The Apoc Tank can no longer move while harpooning.

" Fixed a bug that prevented Allied airfields from building the appropriate number of aircraft in certain situations.

" Fixed a bug that prevented units from attacking enemies withvery low health.

" Fixed a bug that allowed the Soviet Crusher Crane to be captured by an engineer without the 3-second capture delay.

" Fixed a bug that allowed Soviet players to cash bounty their own deployed MCV and then get a refund by selling it.

" Fixed a bug that allowed the Mirage Tank and Tsunami Tanks secondary abilities to still function when under the effect of an Aircraft Carriers blackout missile.

" Fixed a bug that allowed structures to be placed on top of Tesla Troopers in their secondary mode.

" Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented veteran Guardian Tanks from painting targets correctly in their secondary mode.

" Fixed a bug that allowed certain units to be frozen despite being under the effects of an Iron Curtain or Chrono Rift.

" Fixed a bug that caused certain textures to display incorrectly when playing multiple, different community-made maps in succession.

" Chrono Swap no longer allows you to move non-amphibious units from land to water.

" The Shinobi's secondary ability now correctly causes allenemy units who are actively targeting him to lose their target.

" While inside a Nanoswarm, the Apoc and Riptide can now properly attack other units within the Nanoswarm.

" Enemy tanks with the Terror Drone Surprise upgrade will no longer spawn a terror drone when killed by Tanya, as this would kill her instantly.

" Desolator strikes and Chronospheres will no longer affect repair drones.

" Time bombs can no longer be cast on walls.

" Amphibious units may now be sent into a friendly crusher crane on land or at sea.

" Structures that were under repair when captured will no longer be under repair for the new owner.

" If a player has multiple Twinblades selected but not all are garrisoned, pressing the secondary ability button will now only cause the garrisoned Twinblades to descend.

" Blocked an exploit that gave the Bullfrogs secondary ability (the man cannon) unlimited range.

" Blocked an exploit that allowed the Javelin to remain locked-onwhile moving or when the target goes out of range.

" Blocked an exploit that allowed unlimited camera zoom-out in online play.

" Blocked an exploit that gave a Hammer Tank unlimited Toxic Corrosion. [/spoiler]

« Letzte Änderung: 27. Juni 2009, 14:44:05 von stoneagem »

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  • Windows 98SE
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« Antwort #18 am: 24. Juli 2009, 13:54:44 »
Spore Patch 1.5

Electronic Arts hat soeben einen neuen Patch für das Evolutionsspiel Spore veröffentlicht.
Der neue Patch 1.5 behebt diverse Bugs die unter anderem dazu führen konnten, dass das Spiel im Space-Mode abstürzen konnte.
Zusätzlich kann man jetzt im Kreaturen-Editor asymmetrische Wesen herstellen, worauf viele sicherlich gewartet haben.


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  • Windows 98SE
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« Antwort #19 am: 06. August 2009, 16:28:39 »
Patch 1.03 für ArmA II (Armed Assault II)

- Jede installierte Version von ArmA II (1.00, 1.01 oder 1.02)
- Nicht für die Steam-Version.


* Major AI tweaking and balancing (especially AI infantry can hear much less)
* Improved multiplayer and cooperative campaign (saving games, connection issues)
* Numerous fixes and improvements in the Harvest Red campaign



* New: Functions getPosATL and setPosATL to allow controlling position relative to terrain.
* New: command line option -showScriptErrors introduced to show errors in scripts on-screen
* New: Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available.
* New: More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size)
* New: Mission name (with * indicated unsaved work) displayed in the mission editor
* New: Keyboard shortcuts in the mission editor
* Improved: better handling of gravitation for shots (esp. for grenades)
* Improved: Building destruction
* Improved: Better airplane HUD visibility both night and day
* Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders.
* Hotfix: Players are forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
* Fixed: no particles effect when hit object with destructNo
* Fixed: grenade could destroy a building just by impact
* Fixed: grenades may explode only on the final impact
* Fixed: when a grenade bounces on a ship deck, the proper particle effects is shown now
* Fixed: missiles should pass through vegetation
* Fixed: Player connected to loaded game was sometimes frozen.
* Fixed: Game crashed when launched on a system with more then 8 CPUs/cores.
* Fixed: Possible crash with laser designator active.
* Fixed: Sometimes crew of a close vehicle was visible through the vehicle.
* Fixed: Infinite looping of commands 'Stop' in radio.
* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' do not work in TrackIR.
* Fixed: Clients were often endlessly stuck in 'Receiving...' window after MP Load.
* Fixed: Rainbow could be visible even with sun below horizon.
* Fixed: 3D Editor - civilian and resistance units did not work correctly
* Fixed: Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map.
* Fixed: Terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map.
* Fixed: Grenade could sometimes destroy a building just by impact
* Fixed: Radio messages sometimes echoed
* Fixed: Team switch did not work when player died
* Fixed: Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear.
* Fixed: Prevent killed AI units reporting who killed them.
* Fixed: After respawn in MP, player's tasks, diary content and skills are transferred to the new entity
* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' did not work with TrackIR
* Fixed: MP client frozen in Receiving... screen sometimes
* Fixed: Problems with saving and loading games in cooperative campaign

* Fixes and improvements in most of the campaign missions (Into the Storm, Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, Manhattan, Badlands, Dogs of War)
* Improved: autosave logic to not save when it was not safe
* Improved: Eye for an Eye in Scenarios

* Fixed: Warfare fast travel on clients was not using logistic values
* Fixed: Warfare money sending
* Fixed: Warfare HQ multiple reports
* Fixed: First-Aid: Action module caused healing scripts to run twice
* Fixed: Supply drop not ending (wrong vehicle class)
* New: First-Aid modules work with respawn
* New: First-Aid ability to stop healing
* New: Added ability to add Support Requests that do not expire.
* Improved: First-Aid modules more robust and faster
* Improved: Better support for side Resistance in SOM / ACM.


* Fixed: Invisible driver in UAZ (MG and GL)
* Fixed: AI soldiers were able to hear extremely well
* Fixed: various minor problems on buildings
* Fixed: rocks destruction effect changed
* Fixed: penetrability of some vegetation
* Fixed: collision geometry of A_BuildingWIP
* Fixed: react FSM core conversations
* Fixed: cargo animations in LAV25
* Fixed: indicators in Ka52 when using NVG
* Fixed: cargo animations in BTR
* Fixed: Warfare keypoint on Chernarus

Download: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/Downloads/Download/52758/ArmA_II/Patch_103.html

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  • Windows 98SE
  • Beiträge: 810
Re: Game-Patches
« Antwort #20 am: 26. August 2009, 18:04:46 »
Patch 1.1 für Wolfenstein

* When on the purchase upgrade confirmation screen, ESC now cancels the purchase instead of returning to the menu.
* Sounds added for navigating menus.
* In order to prevent names from running off the screen, character limit has been reduced to 10 characters on names
* Fixed issue causing the Healing icon to remain after dying.
* Sprint functionality has been modified so user can sprint longer, but has longer duration before being able to sprint again
* Global chat now disables properly if disabled through the Server Launcher.
* Fixed bug causing the grenade ammo indicator to reflect having one more grenade in your inventory.
* End-of-round countdown voice-over takes priority over objective status voice-overs.
* When a round ends, the scoreboard will default to the chat window.
* Truck model in Canals has been updated so it is easier to complete the objective
* Clan Tag text box in the Options Menu has been realigned
* Audio countdown has been readjusted
* The kill ticker color has been adjusted to the proper team color
* MP43 melee attack speed has been slightly decreased
* Added Quick voice chat that can be binded via the console (the new binds are _needEngineer, _needMedic, _needSoldier, _needHealth, _needAmmo)
* Both teams should now be able to mute users properly
* Soldier arm when holding Kar 98 has been improved
* Reduced how far packs are thrown
* Reduced how far grenades are thrown
* Removed a chair near the crucifix in Canals to prevent the crucifix from dropping into an area where it could not be reached
* Control options now feature separate binds for Use (resurrect, objectives) and Item (Ammo, Health, Satchel)
* Choosing a random map rotation will work properly now
* Added ability to change cross hair appearance through the menu
* Fixed issue causing the crouch icon to remain after dying

Download: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/Downloads/Download/52853/Wolfenstein/Patch_11.html

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  • Windows 98SE
  • Beiträge: 810
« Antwort #21 am: 02. September 2009, 20:26:51 »
Patch 1.5 für Battlefield 2

Hinweis: Patch 1.41 (full) (536 MB) muss bereits installiert sein!

Neben der neuen Karte "Operation Blue Pearl" fügt der Patch die beiden "Booster Packs" Euro Forces (Great Wall, Taraba Quarry und Operation Smoke Screen) und Armored Fury (Midnight Sun, Operation Harvest Und Operation Road Rage) kostenfrei für alle Battlefield 2-Spieler hinzu. Support für Breitbild-Monitore und Systeme mit mehr als 2 GB RAM ermöglicht das Update ebenfalls und auch die Erfassung der Treffer(zonen) wird verbessert.


- Additional support for Windows Vista.
- Added Highway Tampa as a required map.
- Added a new map called Operation Blue Pearl.
- Added Euro Force and Armored Fury as free to play content for all Battlefield 2 players.
- Added Widescreen support
- Allowed BF2.exe to use more than 2Gb RAM
- Added support for the Novint Falcon controller.

Gameplay Tweaks
- Changes made to both the J10 and F35B to make them more balanced.
- AA targeting tweaked to make it more effective.
- Added checks to prevent "runway grieving".
- Various changes made to prevent cheating.
- Tweaked the hit detection, hits will be more accurate to the model.
- Occasional connection drops after being on a server a couple of minutes - Fixed
- Prevented use of mouse wheel to provide speed boost to vehicles
- Prevented use of mouse wheel to exploit parachutes
- Players can now pass claymores by going prone
- Update the HUD on TV Guided missiles to increase visibility on maps like Dragon Valley
- Added Battlefield 2142 style prone deviation (going prone will now cause reduced accuracy for a brief period)

Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where picking up a players kit would cause CTD
- Updated BF2OpenAL.dll from version to version
- Updated ch_gas_station collision mesh on Dragon Valley to be consistent with other gas station buildings
- Fixed the issue where MEC artillery piece on Operation Clean Sweep changes to the USMC's control when they capture the Airfield flag
- Updated the Challenger2 HUD to show the correct icon instead of the M1A2 HUD icon
- Changed a PLA FAV to MEC FAV on Road to Jalalabad
- Tweaked the artillery respawn time on Dragon Valley for to 360 seconds as other artillery uses
- Included a delay after weapon switch for the Bizon (PP-19) to 0.666
- Updated the F35B's lock delay to 1 second instead of 1.5 seconds to match other aircraft
- Changed the Humvee camo on Taraba Quarry to be the correct design
- Increased the splash damage of the UH-60 (Black Hawk) guns from 0.25 to 1.5
- Updated the G36E HUD to react the same as other weapons during sprint


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  • Windows 98SE
  • Beiträge: 810
« Antwort #22 am: 11. November 2009, 20:44:13 »
Erster Patch (v1.1) für Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition (für die europäischen Versionen)


This update includes some general performance improvements including the following:
- General performance optimizations
- Optimized in game cloth handling
- Optimized in game trees leaf handling
- Added a detail setting to improve performance on lower end (dual core) machines
- Addressed audio stuttering issues
- Addressed options disappearing briefly after pressing [Esc] at the Main Menu
- Addressed flashing placeholder text

-Added additional controller support:
Xbox 360 Controller for Windows
Xbox 360 Wired Controller
Logitech Rumblepad 2
Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2
Logitech Dual Action Controller
Saitek Cyborg Rumble
Saitek P32 Rumble

Download: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/Downloads/Download/53538/Star_Wars_The_Force_Unleashed___Ultimate_Sith_Edition/Patch_11.html

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